A Really Good Example...

A really good example of how social and emotional learning works, and its results can be portrayed on the next video. We see a Chilean School, from Pudahuel District, which has implemented it on their daily lives...

This a really good example that emotional and social learning in fact works... Give us your opinions and tell us your story!

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Children's Emotions!

Children's Emotions are essential when we think about their learning processes. Their mood is an important issue, due to the fact that the lack of motivation, sadness, anger and so on, will directly affect their progress. It is important for teachers, parents and children themselves to be aware of how they feel and how they manage emotions. That is why we would like to present this quiz, which children can answer in order to know how they face the way they feel, so they can understand emotions much better, and also that teachers and parents can be aware of how children in general feel... Give it a try!


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For teachers to read and put into practice!!!!

Here you have a booklet about social-emotional intelligence written by Maurice J. Elias. from the International Academy of Education. In it, you will find practical applications inside the classroom of the latest discoveries about social and emotional learning. We encourage you, teachers, to read it carefully and try to implement some of these notions and actions into your class!


Also, take a look at what the author believes about SEL in the next video!

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Teacher's emotions

Nowadays, there are new theories that promote the fact that having good relationships is very important, most of all, when it comes to the teacher preparing his or her classes, adapting the lessons and managing his or her emotions, taking students’ emotional and social needs into consideration.
The very same way, the work of teachers has a very heavy emotional burden. As all kinds of professions that are involved with interacting with others, teaching has an emotional additional responsibility: teachers must know themselves and, at the same time, their emotional condition must be understood as well, because they can experience really strong emotions when working and this makes them particularly vulnerable.

Here you have a very interesting and short document about this topic titled “Teacher’s emotions in educational reforms: self understanding, vulnerable commitment and micropolitical literacy”, it was written by Geert Kelchtermans and published by the Center for Educational Policy and Innovation, University of Leuven, Belgium:


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Children's Cliques

By definition, a clique is an exclusive group or circle of people with a common purpose.
We can recognize this phenomenon as part of school daily life, so it is always necessary for teachers and parents to keep updated in terms of how to identify and deal with it, because it can have major consequences; such as bullying.

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Children's emotional development is a very important part of educating. This task is not only teachers' responsibility, but parents as well. We tell you, mommy and daddy, that you SHOULD know what's going on with your son and/or daughter while he or she grows up and take it into consideration when punishing or rewarding or planning an activity together.

The primary stages of people's development are the most meaningful ones; there we shape our identities and self-esteem. Every parent must have at least basic notions about the way their children interpret the world, therefore, everything they see and experience. That is why Berry Brazelton, a Harvard Medicine School Doctor presents the idea of teachers as partners in the educational process; children and teachers parents... Take a look at the next video!

Big Thinkers: T. Berry Brazelton on Parents as Partners in Education | Edutopia

How to build your child's self-esteem:

These steps are drawn from the practical and detailed framework developed by Harris Clemes and Reynold Bean.

Building your child's self-esteem:

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